We are a not for profit offering wellbeing, mental health and trauma recovery services to women survivors of exploitation and modern slavery in Australia.

Exploitation includes all forms of sexual exploitation, human trafficking, slavery and slavery-like practices such as servitude, forced labour, debt bondage, deceptive recruiting for labour or services and forced marriage (also known as modern slavery).

Sexual exploitation, human trafficking, slavery and slavery-like practices are occurring in Australia as you read this.

4 out of 5 people impacted by exploitation in Australia go undetected.

83% are women and girls.

They are left to deal with the life-altering impacts of trauma. They are often isolated and unable to afford or access support.

 There is an urgent need for survivors to access trauma-informed therapeutic services to address the trauma of exploitation.

We are the first service in Australia specialising in wellbeing, mental health and trauma recovery for women who have experienced exploitation in Australia.

We want every woman struggling with the impacts of exploitation to know they are not alone.

We take a holistic approach to supporting women impacted by exploitation to recover their wellbeing and purpose, to go on to lead fulfilled lives.

Our services are trauma-informed, client-led and individually tailored to the unique needs of each woman.   

We can help.

We offer three areas of service. Click each option below to learn more.

Mental Health & Trauma Recovery.

We help women survivors begin their recovery journey and move forward with their lives. We welcome all women survivors, their friends, family and referring professionals to access our services.

Training & Advisory.

We offer education, training and advisory services on trauma-informed responses to exploitation, including care for survivors and recognising and understanding the issues and impacts of exploitation in Australia.

& Advocacy.

With comprehensive research and innovative Monitoring & Evaluation frameworks, we offer evidence on exploitation issues and best practice trauma-informed responses to modern slavery, including care for survivors.

You can help.

You can let women survivors of exploitation know that they are not alone by supporting them on their recovery journey. Click each option below to learn more.


Your donation will help women to heal from the traumas of exploitation to live free, happy and fulfilled lives in their communities.


We would love to hear from you about partnering with us through corporate or philanthropic sponsorship or as a referral pathway.

Get Involved.

Explore ways that you as an individual can get involved and support women survivors of exploitation.